Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Best Keto Breadcrumbs

The Best Keto Breadcrumbs

Substituting breadcrumbs on a keto diet seems easy. You can use almond flour or flax meal but let's face it - they are not the same as proper breadcrumbs.

These are the best low-carb and grain-free breadcrumbs - just like the real deal! You won't even know they are keto. You can use them just like regular breadcrumbs: in meatballs, chicken nuggets or breaded cauliflower. This recipe is based on my Ultimate Keto Buns which went viral on social media. It does take time to prepare but it's totally worth it!

Preparation time
Hands-on:    20 minutes
Overall:     2 hours 30 minutes
Nutritional values (per 1/4 cup/ 22 g/ 0.8 oz)
Total Carbs 5.8 grams
Fiber 4 grams
Net Carbs 1.8 grams
Protein 5 grams
Fat 7.6 grams
of which Saturated 1.2 grams
Energy 102 kcal
Magnesium 47 mg (12% RDA)
Potassium 189 mg (9% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (7%), protein (21%), fat (72%)

Ingredients (makes about 5 cups) Dry ingredients: Wet ingredients:
  • 6 large egg whites (reserve yolks for another recipe)
  • 2 large whole eggs
  • 2 cups boiling water (480 ml/ 16 fl oz)

Note: Don't waste the egg yolks - use them for making Home-made Mayo, Easy Hollandaise Sauce or Lemon Curd. For nut-free and flax-free options, read the tips in my Ultimate Keto Buns recipe.

  1. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F. Prepare the buns (same recipe as the Ultimate Keto Buns). Mix all the dry ingredients (apart from the sesame seeds). Add the egg whites and eggs and process well using a mixer until the dough is thick. Add boiling water and process until well combined.
  2. Using a spoon, make 8-10 buns and place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  3. Remove from the oven, let the tray cool down and place the buns on a rack to cool down for a few minutes.
  4. Top each of the buns with sesame seeds (or any other seeds) and press them into the dough, so they don't fall out. Place in the oven and cook for 45-50 minutes.
  5. Lower the temperature to 100 °C/ 210 °F. Dice the bread. Place on a tray and dehydrate for 45-60 minutes.
  6. When done, remove from the oven and set aside for 5-10 minutes. Place in a food processor and process until fine.
  7. Place in an airtight container and store at room temperature for up to 2 weeks, or freeze for up to 6 months.

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