Monday, February 27, 2017

Professional Athletes and Body Builders Love KETO OS

Professional Athletes and Body Builders Love KETO OSI’m blown away at how great I feel. My stiffness and achiness is GONE! I am recovering from workouts like never before.

keto body building

Pruvit’s Keto OS is being used by many professional athletes and body builders!

“I am a National Masters Figure Champion and INBA Masters Figure Pro. I’m also a gym owner, trainer and nutrition coach. I’ve been using Keto OS for about a month and a half and I’m blown away with the results. Here’s my testimonial…

Over the last few years I’ve been dealing with low energy and aches throughout my body, specially in my joints. My aching joints have gotten progressively worse over the last year. I live a very active life as a trainer and figure competitor. I would feel ok during workouts but as the day would progress I felt stiff and achy all over. I’m 52 and felt like I was 82 most days. I felt like I could never fully recover from my workouts. I also had other physical issues going on so I went to a specialist to determine if I had some disease. My blood work came back negative for that. The Dr said to just keep doing what I was doing (eating healthy and staying active) and that’s about all I could do since I told him I didn’t want to take any prescription medication.

Then in June I did a Rugged Maniac obstacle course race and came across a booth for KETO OS. I had heard about it online a couple of months before and what caught my attention was that it would put you into ketosis in under 60 min. I was very familiar with a Ketogenic diet as I followed one to cut my body fat for my figure competition. When I followed the diet my arthritis seemed to bother me less but after my show I had a hard time sticking the diet. So I tried the KETO OS for myself because I was a little skeptical. Within the first few days I felt more energy than I had in years- so much so that I didn’t have to take an afternoon power nap. I also tested to see if I really had elevated ketones in my system and much to my amazement I did! Using KETO OS has made it much easier to follow a low carb, high fat diet because I have no cravings and I’m not hungry all day long like I used to be. Fast forward to a month and a half later and I’m blown away at how great I feel. My stiffness and achiness is GONE! I am recovering from workouts like never before. I even tested it out by going for a 6 mile run for the first time in over 6 months. Not only did I feel great but I had more endurance than I felt in a long time. Normally I would be feeling stiffness in my hips and my body would be sore and tight. Well I did not have ANY tightness or soreness. I am truly amazed!!! I haven’t felt this good in as long as I can remember!! Thank God for this amazing supplement!”
– Darla, I Prüvit EVERYDAY!

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Have Questions? Click live chat at the bottom of the screen!

Order KETO by phone – 1-855-KETONES (toll free)

KETO OS ships to the US, Canada, and Australia!


Pruvit Referrer code skinnydrink (all one word)

If you are having trouble deciding which version of Keto/os is right for you, please see my article here where I compare the different formulas – Comparing Keto/os Products

Find out more about –> Pruvit Keto/os Products

Read more –> Keto/os before and after pics


Disclaimer: All opinions expressed here are those of the author. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide individual medical advice. Material found herein is not intended as, and does not substitute for, a personalized doctor-patient relationship.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prüvit products are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.

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