Wednesday, August 30, 2017

5 KetoDiet Challenge Success Stories

5 KetoDiet Challenge Success Stories

With the 60 day summer KetoDiet challenge coming to an end in less than 2 weeks, I'd like to share 5 inspiring success stories of those who participated in our previous 60 Day May-June KetoDiet Challenge and won prizes worth over $2,000!

I usually share all success stories within 2-3 weeks of announcing the winners but this time it took longer than expected. It has been a challenging couple of months for us: from releasing the fully featured Android App and providing an upgrade path to all who have already purchased KetoDiet Basic for Android, to working on a new barcode scanning feature and enhancing the existing planning & tracking features. And that's not all - I've been working on a new cookbook too!

All 5 participants took part in our challenge together with thousands of others - and I have to admit it wasn't easy to pick just 5 winners. I'm so proud for everyone who took part!

To take part in our Challenges, sign up and get notified as soon as the next challenge is announced. All KetoDiet Challenges are and will always be FREE and you won't need to buy any products to join.

Karen's Success Story

I turned 54 during this Challenge. Keto and this website have been the best birthday present evah!! Having struggled with my weight since high school and finally topping out over 310 pounds 40 years later, my health and happiness were screaming at me... demanding that I make a change or else face Type 2 diabetes and heart disease or worse.

All of those scared me :( But the thought of the Medical complex "managing my diseases" rather then helping me find a solution to my weight (so I could cure/avoid diabetes & heart disease) scared me even more. So for almost two years now, I've struggled with finding my own solution/cure to my weight.

Last year, I found Paleo which helped me really "clean" up my food choices but my weight still yo-yo'd between 295-310 pounds. As most know, losing and then gaining the weight back is so depressing, so very depressing... debilitating... soul-sucking (and I like my soul healthy and intact, thank you very much!) Then as I was searching for new recipes, I found keto and the KetoDietApp!! WOO!! WOO!! And my life has really changed.

Why Did You Join?

I was a day late to join this challenge. I almost didn't do it but I did the challenge anyway. I told myself that I was going to Secret-Squirrel-Ninja the challenge! This way there was no pressure to shed my weight and I wouldn't be disappointed if nothing happened.

I'll admit it, I was scared that Keto wouldn't work either. I'm happy that I did do it because I went from 310.4 pounds down to 275.4 pounds without starving, just eating amazing keto recipes that I found on the website, and without having to exercise like an aerobic-fiend (which is very difficult at that weight).

I just did gentle no-stress walking and guess what? That's right! No more depression and my soul is now firmly intact and very happy BOOYAH! :) Needless to say after doing the first challenge, there was nothing and I mean nothing that was going to keep me from doing this Challenge. I was all-in and never looked back. I'm a new woman and so excited and geeked to be able to continue my journey with this next challenge. I just love the support and accountability and visual reward that comes with the KetoDietApp does a very happy dance.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

Definitely the recipes and meal prep tips. One of the hardest and yet easiest tips was the concept of meal planning. Initially I thought that taking 3 hours on a Sunday to cook food and then put the food into daily containers would be overwhelming and exhausting.

But I found that it's actually so much easier to cook like that. And I really enjoyed coming home from work during the week and savoring food that was already ready for me and all I had to do was heat it up and eat it. No more struggling after an exhausting 14 hour work day to try to decide what to eat and then take another hour to cook it.

Also the recipes are amazing. I found that after a while I was more and more comfortable with changing them up to suit me and my tastes. I actually look forward to trying new recipes and experimenting and my family gives me compliments on my cooking!

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

One of the things I absolutely love and adore about the Ketodietapp is the charts!! I've taken weekly pictures (front and side), but it took awhile before I could "see" any change in my body's shape.

Although during that time, my clothes were saying "HEY! Where are you going? We are falling off you now!!". Having your clothes tell you that creates a feeling beyond wonderful! Nothing like putting on clothes that were previously way too tight for me to comfortably wear and now? Now finding they are falling off me and I'm having to buy new ones. Fortunately, the charts allowed me to see visually the inches coming off the parts of my body.

Of course my clothes were saying... "see, we told you that already" :) and that is just awe-inspiring. Oh yea! Oh yea! :) Every week I faithfully measured my wiggly parts and every week I was flabbergasted at the fact that over the past 60 days, I have shed an average of 1.75 inches off my body weekly!

It's definitely interesting to see the fat area that my body decided to eat each week. It's funny because when I started back in February, I was more about "what does the scale say" and now I'm all about "holy crap, I shed another half inch around my waist!" I am extremely happy to share that over the past 60 days of this Challenge I have shed an amazing 15.5 inches: 4" off my waist; 4.5" off my hips; 2.5" off my thighs; 3.5" off my chest and 1" off my arms! /does a very very happy dance.

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

Oooooo I think they're all my favorites BUT if I absolutely have to choose a favorite, I'm going to narrow it down to FAT BOMBS!!

What a perfect name to describe an absolutely amazing food. Simple ingredients, insanely easy to prepare, fully satisfying and a definite treat to eat... not to mention a staggering array of flavors from sweet to savory. Even my boyfriend LOVES them so much that I have to make twice the batches just so I have some :-)

Karen's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Karen lost over 35 pounds and 4 inches off her waist!

Michael's Success Story

55 years old. Hit 276 lbs in February on my birthday... heaviest ever in my life. Tried eating less but wasn't working, because I was still eating the wrong foods. I was addicted to cookies, pizza, cheese cake and bread. Then I found and got motivated and started seeing real results almost immediately. I was familiar with Atkins and knew the basic science, but not to the extent I learned here. I want to loose at least 80 lbs and change my eating habits for life! By the time I got the courage to try this challenge I had already loss 20lbs thanks to ketodietapp.

I heard the saying use diet as a noun not a verb. That really struck me and that is where I'm at in my life. This is what I eat and how I live, not some fad diet to loose weight then put it back on. It's interesting how many people don't understand it. Oh go ahead and eat that pasta or ice cream... it won't kill you. What's one cheat day. That's what you hear so often, they don't understand that I don't want too and I don't miss it. I take my kids out for ice cream and I have a coffee, doesn't bother me and I'm happy. So I decided to give this challenge a go, for motivation and encouragement.

Why Did You Join?

Want to loose 50 lbs to feel better and want eat better.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

I found belonging to the community to be a huge help learning and staying on track. Hearing how others were doing, sharing challenges and success is encouraging. Along with that it's determination to eat well and be healthy.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

The challenge helped motivate me and taught me more about me to diet with recipes, feed back and sources for more information. It's encouraging to belong to a community of like minded people with the same struggles and similar goals.

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

Don't know that I have a favorite recipe bit because of this challenge I'm a big fan of avacodo... never had one before, now eat them 4 or 5 DAYS a week.

Michael's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Michael lost over 23 pounds and 5 inches off his waist!

Eduardo's Success Story

I am a 42 years old cab driver in NYC with 50+ pounds over desired weight. My goal is to lose some weight by making a change in my lifestyle as well as my eating habits. My step-son is a nutritionist and will guide me throughout this journey. I will give the best of me to this challenge. Day 1... I'm waiting for you!

Why Did You Join?

Weight loss.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

All the support from my family, especially from my stepson, who meal prepped all the recipes for me since I suck at cooking and he is studying nutrition as well so why not. So one can say that I was his sample rat for his thesis.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

I never thought a diet eating "fat" would help me lose weight. KetoDiet has been my savior and will be for the rest of this journey.

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

Can I answer with: all of them? lol.

Eduardo's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Eduardo lost 40 pounds!

Ashley's Success Story

Busy wife and mom of 3. Ready to rid my body of years of poor eating and heal myself from the inside.

Why Did You Join?

Weight loss and healthier life.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

Knowing Keto was literally transforming my life was enough to keep me on track.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

My health had taken a nosedive several years ago. Feeling lethargic, joints aching and reaching for more carbs to give me energy destroyed my body further.

I gained over 50 lbs in about 5 months and kept gaining since I found the Keto diet. Going Keto in April, 2017 has increased my energy, given me a better mood and my joints do NOT ache anymore. Of course the fat melting before my eyes has been amazing, too!

In April I was 230. I saw the Keto Challenge as a way to stick with it even during the hard times. I'm down to 184 and only have 30 more until my goal. I will be doing the Keto Challenge again to reach my final weight goal. Thank you for developing this Challenge!

Ashley's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Ashley lost 24 pounds and 4 inches off her waist!

Brittany's Success Story

I'm 20 almost 21, I've been struggling with my weight since the age of eight, I've tried all sorts of diet plans and I couldn't find one I would stick to. And each time a plan didn't work for me I'd quit and lose just a bit more confidence in my self. I started the Keto Way of Eating just a month ago and since then I've seen a huge change in my appetite, how I think about food and even my confidence has taken on a boost!

The first few weeks I didn't even weigh myself! I was terrified of what I would see! Could the scale say error? I was already afraid of what the number would be. After two weeks I weighed in. I wasn't surprised by the number but that didn't change the fact that it still hurt to admit I'd lost all control over my health. In the two weeks that followed I lost my first seven pounds and honestly I can't wait to see what this challenge will do in helping me along in my journey! I don't want it to be about numbers but about improving my quality of life! I'm slowly building my confidence and I keep telling myself I Can Do This! Ps: I currently work the night shift at a wafer fab, go to school part time and my passion is for photography.

Why Did You Join?

Get healthy! I don't want to be limited by my weight I want to be able to enjoy life! I'd like to feel comfortable in cloths and not feel ugly for the cloths I can wear. I want to gain confidence! And lower my risks for illnesses related to poor health choices. Like type 2 diabetes and heart attack. I want to take control of my health instead of feeling like I have no control.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

What helped me stay on track (though there were set backs towards the end ) was both my family, friends, coworkers and my keto blogs I follow. There continued support helps me to keep going even though I've hit a wall recently.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

I'm so happy to say because of this challenge I'm seeing a few inches here and their coming off cloths that were tight are becoming comfortable and I'm gaining more confidence in myself.

Brittany's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Brittany lost 27 pounds!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Keto Jalapeño Popper Potato Salad

Keto Jalapeño Popper Potato Salad

Summer is filled with BBQ’s and cookouts and one of my favorite side dishes has always been potato salad. We’re switching the classic salad up today with this low-carb Jalapeño Popper “Potato” Salad. This keto friendly side dish uses cauliflower as the swap for the traditional “potato”.

By cutting the cauliflower into 1 inch cubes and roasting just until tender, they take on the texture of potatoes. We’re kicking things up a notch by adding in some jalapeño popper flavors with smoky bacon, crisp green onions, tangy pickled jalapeños, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, and a little mayonnaise. I also added a fresh jalapeño for a little crunch. This is one side dish everyone will love!

Preparation time
Hands-on:    10 minutes
Overall:     30 minutes
Nutritional values (per serving)
Total Carbs 9.5 grams
Fiber 3.5 grams
Net Carbs 6 grams
Protein 8.9 grams
Fat 24.4 grams
of which Saturated 7.9 grams
Energy 273 kcal
Magnesium 31 mg (8% RDA)
Potassium 552 mg (28% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (9%), protein (13%), fat (78%)

Ingredients (makes 6 servings)
  • 2 lbs (900 g) cauliflower, cut into 1-inch (2 cm) cubes
  • 4 ounces cream cheese (113 g)
  • ½ cup mayonnaise (110 g/ 3.9 oz) - you can make your own
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ cup shredded Mexican blend cheese (56 g/ 2 oz)
  • ¼ cup pickled jalapeños, minced (50 g/ 1.8 oz)
  • 3 green onions, minced (45 g/ 1.6 oz)
  • 5 slices cooked bacon, crumbled (40 g/ 1.4 oz - cooked, about 75 g/ 2.7 oz raw)
  • 1 fresh jalapeño, thinly sliced (14 g/0.5 oz)
  1. Preheat oven to 190 C (375 F) and line a baking sheet with parchment. Arrange the bacon in a single layer and cook 15-20 minutes until crisp. Transfer to a paper towel lined plate.
  2. Clean the baking sheet and cover with a new piece of parchment. Arrange the cauliflower in a single layer and cook 20-25 minutes until tender. Let cool.
  3. In a large bowl stir together the cream cheese, mayonnaise, garlic powder, salt, shredded cheese, pickled jalapeños, green onions, bacon, and fresh jalapeños.
  4. Add in the cooled cauliflower and toss to combine. Chill until ready to serve.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Low-Carb Mocha Lace Biscuits

Low-Carb Mocha Lace Biscuits

It was my husband’s birthday recently and I made him a stupendous (if I do say so myself) keto cheesecake to celebrate. As I was putting it all together I realised that I wanted something to place on top, a thin, chocolatey biscuit.

So, I quickly made up a batch using butter, almond meal and coconut as the base. I was in a rush and added a bit of this, a bit of that, a touch more of this…

THEY WERE THE BEST BISCUITS I’VE EVER MADE! Sorry about the shouting, but they really were. Did I write it down? Of course not! That would have been way too sensible of me.

It’s taken me quite a few experimental batches to get these just right but I’ve captured the crispy on the outside, chewy in the centre, bitter with a rich chocolate taste, goodness of those biscuits.

My original batch were made with an Australian spice called Wattleseed. If you can get your hands on some, do try it. I wanted to make this recipe accessible to everyone, so I used instant coffee in its place. They have very similar flavour profiles.

I hope you love them as much as we do.

Preparation time
Hands-on:    10 minutes
Overall:     30 minutes
Nutritional values (per biscuit)
Total Carbs 6 grams
Fiber 4.4 grams
Net Carbs 1.6 grams
Protein 1.9 grams
Fat 8.5 grams
of which Saturated 3.8 grams
Energy 95 kcal
Magnesium 28 mg (7% RDA)
Potassium 86 mg (4% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (7%), protein (9%), fat (84%)

Ingredients (makes 18 biscuits) Instructions
  1. Pre-heat oven to 190 C/ 375 F. Place butter, Swerve, low-carb maple syrup and vanilla in a pan on the stove over medium heat and melt together.
  2. Meanwhile, place all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix to break up any clumps. Line two large baking trays with ovenproof paper.
  3. When melted, pour butter mixture into dry ingredients and mix well. The mixture will seem quite liquid at this point, but don’t panic. Keep stirring for about 30 seconds and it firms up.
  4. Using a teaspoon, drop small spoonful’s onto your baking trays.
  5. Leave some space between them as they spread quite a bit. Flatten the balls slightly using wet fingers. Bake for 12 minutes.
  6. The biscuits will not crisp up until completely cold so remove from oven and let cool on the trays. Store at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Keto OS 21% Off Sale!

Keto OS 21% Off Sale!Keto OS 21% Sale on Until Midnight Today!

**Discount Applied at Checkout! No Coupon Code Needed!

button order keto

Not sure which version to pick? Check out my article ->  Comparing each KETO version!

Pruvit Review of each product:

Looking to order Chocolate Swirl, Orange Dream or Keto Max Hawaiian Punch? Click on the order button below!

*Discount Applied at Checkout! No Coupon Code Needed!

button order keto

referrer code: skinnydrink (all one word)

benefits keto

Is Keto/os safe? Is Keto/os safe for children, while breastfeeding & during pregnancy?

Keto/os makes it easy to follow a healthy lifestyle. You do not have to change your diet to enjoy the benefits of Keto/os.  You can follow a low carb/Ketogenic/Paleo or whole food lifestyle. Doable and healthy, even for children.

A question I get a lot is whether Keto/os is safe for children? I’m happy to say that Keto/os is safe for everyone, even children. Babies are born in ketosis and mother’s breast milk contains ketones. It is a natural state to be in. Ketone supplementation is safe for anyone of any age. My Mom is 78 and enjoys many benefits of Keto/os including better memory, more energy, more focus, better mood and more! Keto/os is safe for breastfeeding or nursing Moms and during pregnancy as well.

In this video our team doctor talks about Keto/os during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Keto/os and Pregnancy, Explained by Doctor Heather

How is Keto/os taken? How often can I take Keto/os?

Keto/os is taken 1-2 times a day. Most people find that once a day is enough in the morning. Some also find they they like to have a second serving of Keto/os in the afternoon. I personally take a second serving in the afternoon for the extra energy it provides and the mental focus. I love how Keto/os makes me feel energized!

To take Keto, you simply mix it up with water and ice in a shaker bottle and drink it. People often ask me what they could mix their Keto/os with instead of just water. Keto/os can be mixed with any liquid that is sugar free. I recommend almond milk, coconut milk, LaCroix sparkling water (comes in many flavors) or anything else that is all natural and healthy. Check out KETO DRINK RECIPES!

When you start taking Keto/os you should begin with 1/2 a serving and increase to a full serving over the first week. Keto/os should be sipped over the course of an hour. The reason for this is most people aren’t used to taking a Ketone supplement, and our body needs an adjustment period to absorb the Ketones properly.

Drinking your Keto/os slowly will allow your body to maximize the benefits.

View complete -> tips and instructions on taking Keto/os

Keto OS Review from Dr Jacob

Questions and answers on Keto OS and Keto Max:

button order keto

referrer code: skinnydrink (all one word)

How do I Become a Pruvit Promoter and earn commission?

You can become a Pruvit promoter through the Official Pruvit website, just simply click the button below.


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Find out more about –> Pruvit Keto/os Products

Read more –> Keto/os before and after pics

Thursday, August 24, 2017

New Upgrade Path for KetoDiet Basic (Android)

New Upgrade Path for KetoDiet Basic (Android)

Hi Friends, I have great news for you!

With our major update in August, we've made KetoDiet available on Android! All major features of the iOS version are supported on Android devices, including planning & tracking features.

Our next milestone was to provide an upgrade path for KetoDiet Basic on Android and I'm happy to announce that you can now enable all the advanced features without having to buy KetoDiet.

What are the Advanced Features in KetoDiet Basic? Tracking, Planning & Monitoring

Planning and tracking your diet, monitoring your progress, creating custom meals, custom ingredients, searching through restaurant meals, etc.

Integrated Keto Calculator

Our Keto Calculator is fully integrated into the planner to help you calculate your ideal macros based on your goals and help you stay on track.

How Much Does the Upgrade Cost?

To enable the advanced features in KetoDiet Basic, you have to make a one-off purchase. We always aim to charge a fair price. The cost of the upgrade reflects the difference between the price of KetoDiet (fully featured app) and KetoDiet Basic, plus a small fee of $1 USD to reflect the work we've done to make KetoDiet Basic upgradable.

What if I don't want to enable the advanced features?

Let's make this clear: you don't have to upgrade. We know it's a popular request by KetoDiet Basic users to be able to enable them. For that reason, we made this option easily accessible on the Settings screen.
What's Next? 1. Data Sync for Android

We are currently testing data sync for Android. It took us a bit longer but we want to make absolutely sure we get it right. You will soon be able to sync data across multiple devices and platforms. What this means is that if you, for example, have an Android phone and an iPad, you will be able to sync data between them.

2. Barcode Scanning (iOS and Android)

Barcode scanning will soon go to beta testing and will be released in a few weeks.

To see a preview of barcode scanning, check out this sneak peek video on Instagram.

3. Enhanced Planner (iOS and Android)

We enhanced the Planner and day stats so you can quickly see if you're meeting your daily macros.

To see a preview of our enhanced Planner, check out this sneak peek video on Instagram.

Our To-Do List (iOS and Android)
  • More free recipes and articles. We will keep adding even more free recipes and articles more frequently via our fully integrated blog!
  • Copy & paste planner meals for quick planning (Android)
  • Adding "favorites" to the Planner so you can quickly add frequently used meals
  • Universal search across all recipes when adding them to the Planner (blog meals, KetoDiet meals, custom meals, etc)
  • Adding new restaurant chains to our database to quickly find keto-friendly options when eating out
  • Adding new meals into the Starter pack and existing optional recipe packages (once you get any package, any recipes added in the future are always free!)
  • Data export, especially progress stats
  • Apple Watch support
  • Activity tracking & Health App integration
  • Ketone tracking, glucose tracking, and more tracking options
  • Integration with KetoDiet meal plans (free and premium 7-day, 14-day and 28-day diet plans directly in the Planner with just one click)
  • KetoDiet Challenges & community integration
  • Add recipe user notes in custom meals so that you have all you need to make your favourite recipe
  • New recipe packages - favorite recipes requested by our users
  • Add nutrition facts to hundreds of recipes included in my cookbooks so you can quickly add them to the Planner
  • Multi-user account support with data sync and fast user switching. This feature will be free for the first account. Any additional accounts will be available to buy for 0.99 USD per month to cover the cost of processing and storing the additional data on our servers.

The features are driven by your feedback! Feel free to leave a comment if you have anything else you would like us to add and if it's something we can do, we'll do our best to implement it in future updates.

Want to help us take KetoDiet to the next level?
If you find our Apps useful, please, leave a review on the AppStore/ Google Play. It's the best thing you can do to support us. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Low-Carb Cream of Broccoli & Coconut Soup

Low-Carb Cream of Broccoli & Coconut Soup

We don’t often think of soup so much in Summer but this low-carb Cream of Coconut and Broccoli Soup is perfect. It’s packed with flavour, rich, creamy and yet still feels nice and light for summer. It’s also ideal if you’re tailoring your keto journey to include more vegan or vegetarian recipes.

No soup is complete without a sensational topper in my book so today i’ve added some coconut chips and seeds for a little crunch and a sprinkling of Dukkah. I hope you enjoy it.

Preparation time
Hands-on:    30 minutes
Overall:     30 minutes
Nutritional values (per serving, about 1 ½ cups/ 360 ml)
Total Carbs 11.1 grams
Fiber 3 grams
Net Carbs 8 grams
Protein 4.8 grams
Fat 29.5 grams
of which Saturated 23 grams
Energy 311 kcal
Magnesium 58 mg (15% RDA)
Potassium 768 mg (38% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (10%), protein (6%), fat (84%)

Ingredients (makes 4 servings) Soup:
  • 2 tbsp virgin coconut oil (30 ml)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 2 shallots (45 g/ 1.6 oz)
  • 1 head broccoli, cut in florets (300 g/ 10.6 oz)
  • 4 cups vegetables stock or chicken stock (960 ml/ 32 fl oz)
  • ⅓ tsp salt or to taste
  • ¼ tsp cracked black pepper
  • Optional: handful of watercress
  • ¾ cup full-fat coconut milk (180 ml/ 6 fl oz)
  • 2 tbsp coconut cream (30 g/ 1.1 oz)
Optional toppings:
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (15 ml)
  • 1 tbsp full-fat yogurt or coconut yoghurt (15 g/ 0.5 oz)
  • 1 heaped tbsp pumpkin seeds (10 g/ 0.4 oz)
  • 1 heaped tbsp sunflower seeds (10 g/ o.4 oz)
  • ⅓ cup coconut chips (20 g/ 0.7 oz)
  • 1 tbsp dukkah spice mix
  • few watercress leaves
  1. Place the stock in a saucepan and simmer on a medium heat for 20 minutes until the stock reduces to almost half its volume. Concentrating the stock like this is my top tip to making the tastiest soup!
  2. Meanwhile, peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to a new saucepan and sweat the onion for 2 minutes on a medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for 1 further minute. Turn off the heat.
  3. Once the stock is reduced, chop the broccoli Add the raw broccoli and remove from the heat. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. Place back on the heat and add the coconut milk, onion and garlic mix, salt and pepper and heat through, takes 1 - 2 minutes.
  4. Place the soup in a high speed food blender like a Vitamix. Add the coconut cream, remaining 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and optional watercress. Blitz until smooth. Place back in a pan and heat through.
  5. To serve, place in your favourite bowls and top with coconut chips, seeds, coconut yoghurt, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of dukkah spice blend, and season to taste. Option to toast the coconut chips in the oven for 3 - 4 minutes until golden (170 C/ 340 F). My favourite way to enjoy coconut chips is toasted!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Keto Olive & Herb Focaccia

Keto Olive & Herb Focaccia

If there’s one thing everyone misses on a low-carb diet I would bet it’s bread. Am I right? I know it’s one of the things that I miss, especially with a meal that has Italian flavors.

This Keto Olive and Herb Focaccia is a dream come true for a keto dieter. The bread can be used for sandwiches, cut into pieces and double baked for croutons, and eaten as is or with some seasoned olive oil for dipping (my favorite!).

There’s also no super complicated steps, it’s a one bowl wonder and will be on your table in less than 30 minutes! The toppings are really customizable too. Olive and herb is my favorite but roasted garlic, jalapeno, or even cheese all work really well! What toppings will you choose?

Preparation time
Hands-on:    10 minutes
Overall:     25 minutes
Nutritional values (per serving)
Total Carbs 4.8 grams
Fiber 3 grams
Net Carbs 1.8 grams
Protein 6.6 grams
Fat 10.9 grams
of which Saturated 3.4 grams
Energy 144 kcal
Magnesium 11 mg (3% RDA)
Potassium 123 mg (6% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (5%), protein (20%), fat (75%)

Ingredients (makes 6 servings) Focaccia: Toppings:

Note: For dairy-free, try plain coconut yogurt, or try coconut cream mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

  1. Preheat oven to 375 F (190 C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl whisk together the eggs and yogurt. Stir in the dry ingredients until a thick ball of dough forms.
  3. Transfer the dough to the baking sheet and form into a rectangle about ½-inch (2 cm) thick.
  4. Add the herbs, a pinch of salt, and the olive oil to a small pot and place over low heat just until the herbs become fragrant.
  5. Top the dough with the olives and drizzle the olive oil over the top.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes then slice to serve. Store at room temperature for up to 3 days.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Keto OS 12 Hour Sale!

Keto OS 12 Hour Sale!

Keto OS is 20% for the next 12 hours! Get it while you can!

**Discount Applied at Checkout! No Coupon Code Needed!

button order keto

Not sure which version to pick? Check out my article ->  Comparing each KETO version!

Pruvit Review of each product:

Looking to order Chocolate Swirl, Orange Dream or Keto Max Hawaiian Punch? Click on the order button below!

*Discount Applied at Checkout! No Coupon Code Needed!

button order keto

referrer code: skinnydrink (all one word)

benefits keto

Is Keto/os safe? Is Keto/os safe for children, while breastfeeding & during pregnancy?

Keto/os makes it easy to follow a healthy lifestyle. You do not have to change your diet to enjoy the benefits of Keto/os.  You can follow a low carb/Ketogenic/Paleo or whole food lifestyle. Doable and healthy, even for children.

A question I get a lot is whether Keto/os is safe for children? I’m happy to say that Keto/os is safe for everyone, even children. Babies are born in ketosis and mother’s breast milk contains ketones. It is a natural state to be in. Ketone supplementation is safe for anyone of any age. My Mom is 78 and enjoys many benefits of Keto/os including better memory, more energy, more focus, better mood and more! Keto/os is safe for breastfeeding or nursing Moms and during pregnancy as well.

In this video our team doctor talks about Keto/os during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Keto/os and Pregnancy, Explained by Doctor Heather

How is Keto/os taken? How often can I take Keto/os?

Keto/os is taken 1-2 times a day. Most people find that once a day is enough in the morning. Some also find they they like to have a second serving of Keto/os in the afternoon. I personally take a second serving in the afternoon for the extra energy it provides and the mental focus. I love how Keto/os makes me feel energized!

To take Keto, you simply mix it up with water and ice in a shaker bottle and drink it. People often ask me what they could mix their Keto/os with instead of just water. Keto/os can be mixed with any liquid that is sugar free. I recommend almond milk, coconut milk, LaCroix sparkling water (comes in many flavors) or anything else that is all natural and healthy. Check out KETO DRINK RECIPES!

When you start taking Keto/os you should begin with 1/2 a serving and increase to a full serving over the first week. Keto/os should be sipped over the course of an hour. The reason for this is most people aren’t used to taking a Ketone supplement, and our body needs an adjustment period to absorb the Ketones properly.

Drinking your Keto/os slowly will allow your body to maximize the benefits.

View complete -> tips and instructions on taking Keto/os

Keto OS Review from Dr Jacob

Questions and answers on Keto OS and Keto Max:

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Read more –> Keto/os before and after pics

Creamy Low-Carb Chicken Chasseur

Creamy Low-Carb Chicken Chasseur

It’s winter here in Australia and I live in the southernmost state of Tasmania, so it is cold!

There is nothing more comforting on a chilly night that sitting down to a bowl of rich, warm Chicken Chasseur.

I can find that tomato based casseroles don’t agree with my system, so I added some heavy cream to this one and the whole family loved the change. The cram gives it a decadent richness that is a great change from the traditional chasseur recipes.

This recipe is fragrant, creamy, full of flavour and really easy to make. We love to have it served over a bowl of simple herbed cauliflower rice.

Preparation time
Hands-on:    20 minutes
Overall:     35 minutes
Nutritional values (per serving)
Total Carbs 6.6 grams
Fiber 1.4 grams
Net Carbs 5.2 grams
Protein 31.7 grams
Fat 24 grams
of which Saturated 11.1 grams
Energy 422 kcal
Magnesium 52 mg (13% RDA)
Potassium 689 mg (34% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (6%), protein (35%), fat (59%)

Ingredients (makes 4 servings)
  • 4 chicken bone-in thighs (about 500 g/ 1.1 lb) - will yield about 60% meat
  • 4 chicken bone-in drumsticks (about 500 g/ 1.1 lb) - will yield about 60% meat
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms (70 g/ 2.5oz)
  • 1 medium onion, sliced (110 g/ 3.9 oz)
  • 2 ½ tbsp sugar-free tomato passata (40 ml)
  • 1 cup + 1 tablespoon white wine (250 ml)
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 1 ½ tbsp chopped tarragon
  • 2 cups good quality chicken stock (480 ml)
  • ½ cup heavy pouring cream (120 ml), or coconut cream for dairy-free
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 xanthan gum (see note below for alternatives)
  • Serving suggestion: 1 to 1 ½ cups cauli-rice per serving

Note for primal: you can use 1 teaspoon of glucomannan powder (use just like you would xanthan gum), or 1-2 tablespoons of ground chia seeds sprinkled over the surface and mixed in the sauce until it thickens.

  1. Heat a deep sided pan on the stove and brown the chicken pieces in batches until golden in colour. Remove chicken and place aside.
  2. Using the same pan, gently cook the onions, mushrooms, garlic and tarragon until softened.
  3. Add the tomato passata, white wine, lemon juice and cream and stir through. Add the chicken stock, place the pan back on the heat until it reaches a gentle boil.
  4. Reduce to a simmer and whisk in the xanthan gum. Once gum is combined and sauce is thickening, return the chicken to the pan and cook gently until chicken is cooked through.
  5. Serve on a bed of herbed cauliflower rice.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Keto Raspberry & Vanilla Ice Cream Soda Floats

Keto Raspberry & Vanilla Ice Cream Soda Floats

This Keto Raspberry & Vanilla Ice Cream Soda Float is perfect for Summer. Not only is it ridiculously pretty, dairy and sugar free. You can wow your guests with it, it’s super easy to make and low in carbs.

I don’t actually add any sweeteners to the lemonade myself and just use the raspberries to sweeten but I’ve listed some natural sweeteners here in case you prefer it. Feel free to experiment. Add a little and adjust to your taste.

It’s actually quite funny the first time you make this to see the ice cream float! The raspberry lemonade also tastes great on its own with some ice cubes for a refreshing summer aperitif.

Preparation time
Hands-on:    30 minutes
Overall:     4 hours
Nutritional values (per serving)
Total Carbs 8.6 grams
Fiber 1.7 grams
Net Carbs 6.9 grams
Protein 4.3 grams
Fat 16.9 grams
of which Saturated 9.9 grams
Energy 201 kcal
Magnesium 17 mg (4% RDA)
Potassium 163 mg (8% EMR)

Macronutrient ratio: Calories from carbs (14%), protein (9%), fat (77%)

Ingredients (makes 4 servings) Vanilla Ice Cream:

(This recipe is based on the No-Churn Vanilla Keto Ice-Cream)

Raspberry Lemonade:
  • juice from 2 lemons (about ½ cup, 120 ml)
  • juice from 2 limes (about ⅓ cup, 80 ml)
  • ¾ cup raspberries (92 g / 3.2 oz)
  • 4 cups water, sparkling or still (960 ml/ 32 fl oz)
  • 2 tbsp powdered Erythritol or Swerve (20 g / 0.7 oz)
  • 15 or more drops liquid Stevia such as NuNaturals
  1. Prepare the ice cream by following this recipe (use the ingredients listed above - you will only need half of the original recipe to make 4 soda floats).
  2. Whilst the ice cream is freezing. Prepare the lemonade. Juice the lemons and limes. Pour into a large jug.
  3. Blitz the raspberries (reserve a few raspberries for the ice cream) in a blender until smooth. Place the pureed raspberries in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice.
  4. Add the raspberry juice to the lemon and lime juice in the jug and add the water. You can use more water if the taste is too strong for you.
  5. Add the stevia (I used drops) and powdered Erythritol. Make sure you use powdered Erythritol or Swerve, otherwise the crystals won't dissolve. Mix until well combined and no sweetener is on the bottom of the jug.
  6. Remove the ice cream from the freezer. Pour the lemonade in tall serving glasses and top with a scoop of ice cream and add a few crushed raspberries. The lemonade is also served nice on its own. Simply add some ice cubes for a sugar free refreshing summer drink. Enjoy!